And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full -
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.
For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.
Yes, it was my way.
vineri, noiembrie 6
joi, octombrie 29
.. In need of you
marți, octombrie 6
Being an addict. Definition? None ..
You suffer of two addictions.
There cannot be one without the other. Or at least that's how you take it.
Frankly, i guess that the second one is more than an addiction. It's a necesity.
First one? You now how life goes without it.
You know how it feels when you don't have it.
You claime it to be hard and imposibile, though you know the truth is hiding behind IT.
You need it, and want it.
You have it, and use it.
You finish it,it finishes you.
But ...
I wonder...
I imagine ...
I'm asking myself ...
How about the second one?
You have it all the time. Even when you don't want it.
IT's there for you in any kind of situations.
IT suffocates you.
You never felt how it's like WITHOUT ...
You should ask yourself.
And then, you should give me the answer cus i'd really like to know :)
You suffer of two addictions.
There cannot be one without the other. Or at least that's how you take it.
Frankly, i guess that the second one is more than an addiction. It's a necesity.
First one? You now how life goes without it.
You know how it feels when you don't have it.
You claime it to be hard and imposibile, though you know the truth is hiding behind IT.
You need it, and want it.
You have it, and use it.
You finish it,it finishes you.
But ...
I wonder...
I imagine ...
I'm asking myself ...
How about the second one?
You have it all the time. Even when you don't want it.
IT's there for you in any kind of situations.
IT suffocates you.
You never felt how it's like WITHOUT ...
You should ask yourself.
And then, you should give me the answer cus i'd really like to know :)
vineri, septembrie 11
Dar pana cand ?
Traim intr o dimensiune subevoluata, in care spiritul sta sub material, iar materialul face legea. O dimensiune incarcata cu energii negative de toate felurile, cu obiceiuri prostesti, si copii batrani.
Aici, in realitatea noastra, te poti distra/simti bine/integra in societate, daca si numai daca, ( si nu, nu este o teorema, si nici reciproca ei) indeplinesti o insiruire inutila de conditii, fara relevanta spirituala ci doar materiala.
Traim intr o dimensiune subevoluata, in care spiritul sta sub material, iar materialul face legea. O dimensiune incarcata cu energii negative de toate felurile, cu obiceiuri prostesti, si copii batrani.
Aici, in realitatea noastra, te poti distra/simti bine/integra in societate, daca si numai daca, ( si nu, nu este o teorema, si nici reciproca ei) indeplinesti o insiruire inutila de conditii, fara relevanta spirituala ci doar materiala.
Pt voi, cei ce ati depasit pragul de fumez iarba si ma cred in Babilon, imi pot exprima o sincera parere de rau, dar totodata o la fel de sincera intelegere.
A bien-tot :)
duminică, iunie 28
marți, aprilie 28
Film vs. Sentiment
SENTIMÉNT s. n. 1. proces afectiv mai durabil şi mai complex decât emoţia, exprimând atitudinea pe care omul o are faţă de REALITATE; simţire, simţământ.
FILM ... schemă cognitivă care exprima o consecinta a consumului de substante stupefiante, amplificandu ti anumite ganduri, neavand nici o relevata asupra realitatii.
[ ... ]
SENTIMÉNT s. n. 1. proces afectiv mai durabil şi mai complex decât emoţia, exprimând atitudinea pe care omul o are faţă de REALITATE; simţire, simţământ.
FILM ... schemă cognitivă care exprima o consecinta a consumului de substante stupefiante, amplificandu ti anumite ganduri, neavand nici o relevata asupra realitatii.
[ ... ]
duminică, aprilie 26
Am ajuns in situatia in care sunt neputincioasa ... Sunt doar un pion pe o tabla de sah, care in curand o sa fie daramat si aruncat de pe ea.
Importanta pe care o ai in fata unei persoane e complet relativa. Dar in momentul in care totul trece dintr o extrema in alta, vezi situatia de fata, stai si te intrebi daca nu cumva creierul tau a luat o razna. Ciudat e faptul ca pentru mine nu a fost niciodata asa .. De fiecare data , sentiemntele mele au avut un curs normal si fluent, schimbarile fiind accentuate de anumite situatii din cadrul relatiei mele cu persoana respectiva. Imi propun in fiecare zi sa mi schimb modul de gandire, sa scap de naivitate si, daca asta inseamna "maturizare", sa devii <impasibil> , sa ma maturizez.
Cat despre manipularea in relatiile de prietenie, dragi tovarasi si pretini, cazul acesta este un record unic in lume ce ar trebui (sau nu) televizat.
Va multumesc si va doresc o seara cat mai placuta.
Importanta pe care o ai in fata unei persoane e complet relativa. Dar in momentul in care totul trece dintr o extrema in alta, vezi situatia de fata, stai si te intrebi daca nu cumva creierul tau a luat o razna. Ciudat e faptul ca pentru mine nu a fost niciodata asa .. De fiecare data , sentiemntele mele au avut un curs normal si fluent, schimbarile fiind accentuate de anumite situatii din cadrul relatiei mele cu persoana respectiva. Imi propun in fiecare zi sa mi schimb modul de gandire, sa scap de naivitate si, daca asta inseamna "maturizare", sa devii <impasibil> , sa ma maturizez.
Cat despre manipularea in relatiile de prietenie, dragi tovarasi si pretini, cazul acesta este un record unic in lume ce ar trebui (sau nu) televizat.
Va multumesc si va doresc o seara cat mai placuta.
luni, aprilie 6
sâmbătă, martie 14
Mai stii cand m ai intrebat daca am avut vreodata un deja vu ? ... Si ti am zis ca da , dar ca nu mi amintesc concret.. si imi ziceai ca tie iti plac deja vu urile fiindca simti ca poti schimba cva and stuff ..
Acum am deja vu :) ... si simt ca nu pot schimba nimic.
Acum am deja vu :) ... si simt ca nu pot schimba nimic.
duminică, ianuarie 18
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